"Here’s the real truth. We’re made for the ebb and flow. Just like the ocean. Just like the cycles of the moon. Just like the movement from dark to light to dark again. We were born to shift and be selfish and howl and get messy. We were made to create beauty and to make crazy love and to find the bliss right at the center of our raw, aching parts. That’s the heart of life, the center of the paradox. And it often says, to hell with balance, because balance keeps us safe. What if we halt the chase for this impossibly esoteric notion of balance and give ourselves to something a lot more earthy and true and real?
It’s all about the moments. Moments for pure creation. Moments of uninhibited sex. Moments of the sweetest mother-baby love. Of pissed-the-fuck-off anger. And of come-here-right-now lust. Of falling head over heels in love with the world. Of feeling like the ground is going to give way beneath our feet. Of feeling free and wild and true, and of feeling chained and constrained and too heavy to get out of bed..."