
what is self-love?

As a Confidence Coach I am honored to guide/direct others towards a more fulfilling, honest, brave, happy life. For everyone, including me, it's a process, a journey, some days easier, some days excruciatingly harder, but at the end of each day is you living with you. If there is one thing I have learned coaching others these last 30 years, it's the importance of getting to know who you really are and living your life from this unique, authentic place and voice. As Gandhi said, "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."  Many people live their lives looking for approval from others in order to feel whole or to try to fit in. Unfortunately this is like selling your precious life on ebay and ultimately causes more pain than pleasure. When you stop directing your life from the perspective of pleasing others (this includes your parents & children), your life will become rich, rewarding and eventually balanced and fulfilling, but most important ~ it will be YOUR life, not someone else's and the love you receive will be in direct proportion to the love you give.