
what is improv:

As I continue to expand my riverside workshop schedule, I am thrilled to offer more Improv for Life sessions with Barb Tint (next one: 1/25/14). Improvisational theatre, often called Improv is a form of theatre where most or all of what is performed is created at the moment it is performed. In its purest form, the words, action, story and characters are created collaboratively by the players as the improvisation unfolds in present time, without an already prepared written script. 
Ai Vuong explains why Improv will give you the best mindset for life, whether you are on stage or not:
"Improvisation will teach you to improv life. Life is rough sometimes with these walls, barriers and judgments we've set for ourselves. The improvisation mindset will strip it all away and teach you to embrace life's truths, absurdities, and realities. The lessons are simple -- so utterly simple, that they're deceptive and the most difficult to achieve.
1. Listen: I mean, really listen. Active listening. To the person who is talking. Don't be in your head about what you should say next, because then you're going to miss something really important.
2. Agree, and add something: contribute. Lay on another brick to the foundation you're all building together. Everyone is part of the moment, and everyone contributes in a positive manner.
3. Know that it's there ... and then it's gone: this moment has never happened before, and it'll never happen again -- and so the moment is truly unique and special.
4. And thus, be present: knowing that the moment is singular, it forces you to quiet everything else in your mind and be present. Vigilant. Focused. There's no time to analyze or over-analyze. There's just time to be.
5. No judgment: anything goes, anything can happen. The crazier it is, the more you push forward. Life is crazy, and when you place judgment on yourself or others, you build walls. Break them down and be in awe of what can happen.
6. Support each other: there's no individual; it is about the group. When the group succeeds, you succeed. Take away the ego, and together build something awesome.
7. Follow the fear: it seems like the simplest thing in the world, but the scariest and most difficult of all. You just have to gulp and jump right in.
8. Be yourself: somehow, in this space, it's the safest place to be. No judgment and all support. All you have to do is bring yourself -- not scripted characters nor rehearsed lines. No falsities here.
9. Simplify, seek truth and grow: at the end, it's all about the relationships you build. Human connection is the foundation of it all. Improvisation cultivates the growth mindset and takes you to new adventures."
Learn Improv skills and experience the rewards!
(currently accepting reservations for Barb's 1/25/14 workshop)