
s t r e t c h yourself newsletter:

2013 has been such a powerful year for me and for many of you as well. As our Stretch Appeal community continues to grow, I am inspired by the breakthroughs I have witnessed ~ from 40+ lost pounds for several of you ~ to huge mental shifts ~ to spiritually breaking through old patterns that no longer serve. Each week when I share my three Stretch Appeal practices, I feel physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually blessed, Thank YOU for joining me on the journey. Which is expanding in 2014 ... I am growing my riverside Saturday renewal workshop schedule. These workshops are taught by experts in their field who I believe are fantastic teachers. Each workshop is designed to encourage personal growth and emotional expansion at an affordable price. I encourage you to try a workshop and am offering one more awesome opportunity to you in 2013 with Dr. Bonnie Comfort (see below). As well, I will be teaching Stretch Appeal throughout the holiday season (see below) and as always, if you prefer to work one on one, I am available for private confidence coaching. 
Workshop News:
Workshops are on Saturdays between 1:00 - 4:30. On all workshop Saturdays, Stretch Appeal ~ soft ~ is offered from 11:30 - 12:30. You can participate in either or both by appointment only. For more information or to secure your reservation: 1. Laureredmond@mac.com 2. text or call 503-780-4964 3. twitter.com/LaureAppeal 4. www.facebook.com/pages/Stretch-Appeal/199184610115223
1. Writing for Your Life
with Dr. Bonnie Comfort
Bonnie is a psychologist who has been in clinical practice for many years. She is the author of memoir, short stories, and the novel "Denial" published by Simon & Schuster. 
Note from Bonnie:
"This is not a workshop in writing. It does not matter whether you have writing talent, can make pretty sentences or whether the writing is good by some objective standard. This is writing for you designed to access deep parts of yourself that remain dormant during your every day busy life. You don't need to share this writing with anyone. It is for you alone. If you wish to share it, we will welcome the confidential sharing of it but there is absolutely no need to do so and no judgment if you do not. We will be writing about very personal things and you may or may not want to reveal them to anyone."
Saturday, 12/7/13 
1:00 - 4:30
Full Day Special - $55 - includes: Stretch Appeal ~ soft + Workshop 
2. Awake in the New Year
Setting Mindful Intentions for the new year ~ this gathering is a GIFT (free) from me to you and will be more of a celebration than a workshop ~ reservations are required!
Saturday, 1/11/14
1:00 pm
I will be offering Stretch Appeal ~ soft from 11:30 - 12:30 ($15) 
The celebration ceremony begins at 1:00.
3. Improv for Life with Barb Tint
In this workshop you will learn about: Recognizing and receiving offers, increasing possibilities, maximizing collaboration and surrendering attachment, some of the core dimensions of improvisation. Using experiential activities, we will be working with processes you can apply to all aspects of your life. This workshop guarantees to be inspirational and fun. Performing not required!
Barbara Tint, PhD is a Professor of Conflict Resolution, mediator, organizational trainer, licensed psychotherapist and improviser. She facilitates trainings such as these all over the world and is convinced that Improv is the most transformational and joyful modality on the planet.
Saturday, 1/25/14
1:00 - 4:30
Full Day Special - $65 - includes: Stretch Appeal ~ soft + Workshop
2013 Stretch Appeal Schedule:
Active practice is offered every Tuesday/Thursday from 12:30 - 1:30 at BodyVox www.bodyvox.com/
No reservations or dance experience is necessary ~ everyone is joyfully welcome!
will be teaching this Tuesday, 11/26/13
Thanksgiving Thursday ~ NO practice
YES I will be teaching on 12/24, 12/26, 12/31, 1/2 (I invite you to bring your children, relatives, visiting friends & neighbors :-))
Soft practice is offered every Saturday from 12:30 - 1:30 at my riverside dojo.
Reservations ARE required, dance experience is not ~ everyone is joyfully welcome!
Yes I will be teaching during all holiday weekends.