"Life has taught me that if I want to rise, I have to get over myself. This seems to be a constant lesson in my life. They say that EGO is (E)dging (G)od (O)ut. Whether you believe in God or not, it doesn't matter. Another word for God is Love. So EGO could be perceived as choosing fear over love, or self-importance over humility. I believe that the only free will we truly have is to choose to connect with Love or not. If we choose to connect with Love, life turns upside down at first, but starts to smooth out. If we don't choose to connect with Love, we experience our own personal version of "Hell on Earth." One of the ways I have experienced my own personal "Hell on Earth" in the past was not being able to admit when I was in the wrong. My prideful EGO used to just hang on to being right at any cost. On the surface I couldn't stand the thought of being wrong, it was "ME" after all. You know what I'm talking about, that voice in your head that thinks it's all-important. We all have one; I'm just being courageous or silly enough to admit I have one. But thankfully, that voice is MUCH dimmer now. I think it's a combination of the fact that I am a stubborn Capricorn plus the fact that I'm 6'4 that made it SO hard for me to get over myself. I mean, 6'4 is pretty tall. But, surely enough, after enough pain and enough of not getting what I want, I am letting that self-importance go. I still believe in the ego, but I believe that a healthy ego is the servant of the Heart. Wayne Dyer once said, "It's more important to be kind than to be right." When I first heard this statement in 2004, I thought Wayne must be wrong. But as I have come to find out, KINDNESS is always right. Have you ever wanted so badly to win an argument in a relationship, but what you come to find out later is that your stubborn desire to win that argument actually ended the relationship? Oops. Yup, I've done that. Today, no matter what that pesky ego says, choose kindness over being right. Choosing kindness is the same thing as choosing to connect to Love. End your inner conflicts and let go of the need to be right. This may feel like you are giving up some very important point of view and that you have "lost" a battle or debate. But, my friend, what you will see and what I have come to see is that when you lose the ego battle, you win the battle of the Heart. You trade stress in for peace of mind. So, let's allow ourselves to lose the ego battle today. Even though our egos don't want us to, let's choose kindness over being right. You won't die, even if it feels like you might. But you will find peace. Try it."
I choose kindness.
I choose love.
I choose to let it go.