
self-esteem diaries:

Q: I used to feel (for the most part) motivated to strive to live my best life, but since turning 50, I have lost that bravado and feel utterly unmotivated to exercise, eat right or to self pamper. What can I do to inspire vivre in my life again?
A: I hear this complaint often from women, usually after their children have grown up and they are faced with themselves as their #1 priority, which can feel foreign after taking care of children and never having time to think about your own needs. This can be a great time in a woman's life once she shifts gears and learns how to become more self motivated. Here are my 7 Steps for creating a more self motivated life, while also boosting your daily energy and learning how to enjoy life more fully.
1. Practice positive thinking. Put a rubber band around your wrist and every time you think a self defeating thought, snap the rubber band as a reminder to stop self put downs.
2. Stop obsessing about your mistakes. What's done is done, move on, begin again. Learn from your human errors instead of being controlled by them.
3.Take two risks each day. Whether you eat a new food, try a new sport, take a dance class or speak your truth - risks keep you feeling alive and inspired. Rethinking your daily routine diminishes boredom and fatigue.
4. Stop comparing yourself to others, especially those whom you regard as more successful. Voice your feelings of jealousy to a trusted friend so your feelings can be in check before spiraling out of control.
5. Bring your fitness home. From Pilate's to dancing to weight training, tune into the best new fitness DVD's.
6. Eat a healthy breakfast. When you start the day eating smart, it helps you eat healthier throughout the day. A natural burst of energy can be derived from eating a healthy diet that includes all of the food groups.
7. Simplify your life. Simplicity fosters energy and vitality.