
7 feel good naked holiday tips:

'Tis the season to be disconnected from your mind and body, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Here’s an easy 7 point plan to put into effect right away so you can feel good naked during ~ and after ~ the naughtiest time of the year.
1. Commit to quiet: Whether it's your first five minutes in the morning after waking up, an office time out mid-day or a soothing 30-minute ritual before bed, give all of your senses a daily break. Lower the lights, listen to soothing music or try total silence, but do it alone and stick to it religiously.
2. Water is a thin person's secret: Each morning drink a glass of water upon waking; it's not only important for hydration but it also cuts daily food intake by 13% according to a study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. *Bonus* add lemon juice to the water to nourish your liver.      
3. Black is the new black: Everyone looks sophisticated and stylish in black. Choose one black outfit that you feel comfortable and happy wearing and don't worry about wearing it often. You can change your shoes, jewelry, scarf, coat or bag for diversion.
4. Sleeping late is exhausting: Sleeping late on the weekends to make up for lost sleep during the week can actually make you feel more lethargic. Changing your wake up time confuses a cluster of brain cells that dictate everything from energy & strength to creativity. If you're exhausted during this time of the year and who isn't; wake up at your usual weekday time, then nab a 20 minute afternoon nap or go to bed early, which studies have proven does not disrupt the body's biological clock the way sleeping in late does.
5. Fat for free is still fat: Don't arrive at a holiday party hungry. Of course it can be tempting to starve yourself all day so you can stuff your face with free food at the party, but this will only make your pants tighter. Have a fiber or protein based snack before you go out and you'll be far less interested in the white flour and sugar once you arrive at your festive destination. 
6. Shopping is dangerous to your health: Mad rushes to the mall can exhaust more than just your wallet. The strain and stress of lugging shopping bags, racing through stores and spending hours on your feet can lead to tiny muscle tears and inflammation, which can snowball into muscle and joint pain and crazy fatigue. Re-access your gift giving and don't undermine the convenience of the internet.      
7. Plan ahead: Whether it's the Christmas cookies at work or the egg nog at the party, make your ‘moderation’ mind up BEFORE you encounter these seductive treats. Nothing feels internally worse then blood sugar spikes and crashes ~ or ~ clothes that don't fit.